Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight
Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight
Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight
Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight
Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight
Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight
Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight
Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight

Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight

125,00 €
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>Regístrate y ganarás 125 puntos/3,75 € Regístrate y ganarás 125 puntos/3,75 € (Cada 1,00 € gastado = 1 punto, 1 punto = 0,03 € de descuento)
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Harley Quinn Art Scale 1/10 - Batman: Arkham Knight

Harley Quinn originally appeared in the animated series Batman: The Animated Series, created by the duo Paul Dini and Bruce Timm in 1992. The positive reaction of the critics and audience towards the character has made it their constant presence in this animation and in the Batman, until 1999 when it was also included in the comic book DC universe.

Initially as a psychiatrist, then a partner and romantic partner of the insane Joker, she became one of the most iconic Batman villains.
The series, derived from the Arkham Knight game of 2015, shows the events that occur one year after the visions in its predecessor in the chronology "Arkham City". In Arkham Knight, Harley is one of the main villains, in the plot she appears as new leader of the old gang of the Joker, seeking to kill Batman for what he did with the Clown of Crime in Arkham City
  • Limited Edition.
  • Crafted with real 3D reference from the game.
  • Made of Polystone.
  • Manually painted.
  • Come with a base to display the character.
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