Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
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Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho
Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho

Jungle Queen Art Series by Frank Cho

1.100,00 €
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Jungle Queen

XM Studios is excited to present Jungle Queen by Frank Cho!

XM's Art Series is an initiative to promote and support original work by incredibly talented artists. While there are no licensing fees due to originality of these concepts, these Art Pieces will only be produced in strictly limited quantity (It's Art Pieces - not collectibles) And the final product is the heart, mind and soul of the Artists - no interference from XM or licensors, just pure unadulterated original work of art by the artists you love and support.

Artist Bio:
Frank Cho never had any formal training in art but taught himself to write and draw by reading art books and comics. He launched the comic strip Liberty Meadows on March 31, 1997. Cho was later recruited by Marvel Entertainment. He has worked on many top-tier books at Marvel, including Spider-Man, The Mighty Avengers, Hulk, X-Men, Shanna the She-Devil and Savage Wolverine. Most recently Frank has received acclaim for his Harley Quinn covers for DC. He also works on his creator-owned projects, such as Fight Girls, Skyborne and World of Payne with famed novelist Thomas Sniegoski.

Jungle Queen:
She is a savage and powerful steward of a mysterious place where man and beasts roam the land together. As she fights for survival, she slowly unravels her mysterious past and her true purpose... to become the undisputed Jungle Queen.


  • 2 Head sculpts
  • 2 Right arm switchout
  • 1 Accessories switchout
  • Crafted in cold cast porcelain.
  • Each handcrafted statue is individually hand-painted with the high quality finish
  • ES: MTO Max 499


  • Frank Cho
  • Alejandra Jorquera, Hernán Azcárate (Sculpt)
  • XM Studios Design and Development Team

Product and Box Dimensions

Estimated Product Size (LxBxHt): 36*31*58 cm
Estimated Product Weight: 9 kg 

Estimated Box Size (LxBxHt): 64*50*33.5 cm
Estimated Shipping Weight : 19 kg 


Manufactured by: 
XM Studios

Note: Prototype shown and pending final approval, final product may differ. Batteries will not be included for products with light up features due to customs.

Detalles del producto


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