UC2928 Orcrist - Sword of Thorin Oakenshield
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UC2928 Orcrist - Sword of Thorin Oakenshield

UC2928 Orcrist - Sword of Thorin Oakenshield

260,00 €
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>Regístrate y ganarás 260 puntos/7,80 € Regístrate y ganarás 260 puntos/7,80 € (Cada 1,00 € gastado = 1 punto, 1 punto = 0,03 € de descuento)
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In Third Age of Middle-earth, Thorin Oakenshield and his Company of Dwarves came upon a troll lair in Rhûdaur. There Thorin found an ancient Elven sword named Orcrist, forged by the high Elves of the West, in Gondolin. Thorin claimed Orcrist for his own and vowed to cleave Goblins with it once again. He wielded the sword through most of the Quest for Erebor, using it against the Goblins of the Misty Mountains. The Goblins called it “Biter” and hated and feared it.

The blade of Orcrist features a curved leaf shape on one side, and a straight edge on the other, a fitting design for a blade meant to cleave Orcs and Goblins. Adorning the pommel is an emblem of the heraldry of Ecthelion of the Fountain. The hilt is shaped from the tooth of a dragon. It is unknown if the tooth was acquired prior to the fifth battle of the First Age, or added to the sword with the inscription in the millennia after the Fall of Gondolin, most likely by the Dwarves of the North.

Inscriptions on the sword in Elven runes:
On the guard is the name Orcrist “Goblin-cleaver”.
Blade Inscription (both sides): “The serpent’s tooth”.

This authentically detailed replica is a reproduction of the actual filming prop built by Weta Workshop of New Zealand and used in the motion picture, THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY. United Cutlery, industry leader in fine movie reproductions, has meticulously recreated the prop using only the finest grade materials and craftsmanship. Close attention to detail was a top priority. The sword is 98.42 cm long and features a stainless steel blade with an etched runic inscription. The hilt is crafted with solid metal parts, simulated gem stones, and an acrylic resin grip cast from the original prop. It is presented with a wood wall display and includes a certificate of authenticity.

Overall Length: 98.42 cm
Blade Length: 65.72 cm
Blade Material: AUS-6 Stainless Steel
Handle Material: Acrylic resin
Display: Wood with wood grain finish and silk screen graphic

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